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How To Cut Your Electric Bill by 50% to 75%, With No Loss Of Comfort, in 3 Months or Less.

You can do this in short weekend projects… even if you have this very little time or money!

Fact: According to the Dept. Of Energy the Average House Energy Waste is the Same As Having a 3 Foot Square Hole in Your Wall

(And that is AVERAGE. 50% of you Are Wasting Even More Than That.)  

Imagine how much money that translates into. $1000's of dollars a year.

True Story: In 2007 we bought a nice house, in a nice Midwestern city. Life was good...for about 3 months.

In 2008 the housing market crashed and I, along with millions of other people, was out of work, and financially underwater in a matter of weeks. Within one month, the housing market crashed and the cost of food, fuel and utilities skyrocketed.

Worse, we had just moved back to the US from overseas, took a new job and had sunk all our savings into moving back. So we had no savings to fall back on.

Funny how your mortgage payments didn't stop, and food, utilities, home insurance, and taxes kept rising. Ever notice how the things you MUST pay in order to survive are NEVER affected by the economy.

I could tell you my tale of woe, but you know what? You already know the story. You've heard it before.

Instead of Wallowing in Our Collective Misery, What If We Flipped the Script?

For any homeowner who wants to know quickest and easiest energy efficient home improvements without expensive upgrades.

Introducing Home Energy Made Easy

Written for the home owner who is tired of paying many hundreds of dollars a month in gas, electric, and water usage costs. This course is about the many ways you can easily and simply modify your house, doing simple weekend jobs that will add up to saving big dollars. Without any loss of comfort. If you can use simple hand tools, you'll be able to start saving money immediately.

Special offer! Enroll now and get a 50% discount !

So How Are You Going To Save That Much Money?

With The Best Energy Efficiency Program Available

What was a crisis then becomes an opportunity. Because with a plan you could use this time to make your time and home work for you. You might not be able to control what goes on in the economy but the one thing you are in control of is YOUR life. YOUR attitude. YOUR actions. What if you could...

  • Reduce your home energy utility bills by 50% to 90%. (Putting that money back in your pocket)
  • Add $100's of dollars a month back into your budget. (Where it should be)
  • Get the US government and utility companies to pay for energy energy upgrades. (Let taxes work for you for a change)
  • Energy improvements add to the resale value of your home. (When you sell, you'll be glad you did)
  • Simple weekend projects that the whole family can enjoy doing.
  • I've written this in simple English which means you won't need an engineering degree to understand it.
  • Make your home more comfortable
  • Lesson your carbon footprint (and help the environment and future generations)

Maybe you're a home owner and know you need to update an older home and have these questions...

  • Where should you start in your home energy saving renovations? (I've devoted a whole section to this question)
  • What are the biggest opportunities for energy savings in my home? (This one overlooked trick can save you 50% or more)
  • Does replacing old windows really pay for itself? (Only in a perfect world. Do this instead)
  • Is your home right for solar energy? (Maybe. But doing module 2 first will save you $1000's of dollars in solar panels.)

The course also goes into specific details by answering questions like these:

  • Should you replace your existing insulation or add more on top of it? 
  • Ways you can reduce water consumption - without changing your daily habits? (Yes, and I'll tell you all how)
  • Will you save money if you replace all your light bulbs with LEDs? 
  • What are heat pumps, how do they work, and how can I get one?

By walking through all of the major systems of your home, this book will:

  • Explain the basics of each home energy system 
  • Identify the biggest drivers of energy consumption
  • Identify your biggest opportunities for energy savings

Someone said to Me..."Money Saved Is Money Earned"

Would an extra $50, $100, even $400 or more every month come in handy? These kinds of savings are possible in as little time as it takes to get your next utility bill. I was able to bring my utility costs down from over $500 a month to $75. Money back in your pocket. 

If you could refinance your house and save $400 a month you'd jump on it. After all, that is equal to a car payment. Best of all, The Home Energy Made Easy Online Training Course has no closing costs and you won't pay points.  :+)

What if you took it a step further and added solar panels with the government and utilities helping to pay for it? Think of the savings that can add up to over the course of one year. I'm not saying you'll get rich but the money saved and earned DOES make a difference.

This course includes 20 videos and audio files and .pdf handouts covering every aspect of making your home more energy efficient. It goes from creating a simple "energy budget" to understanding where your biggest energy expenses are, to determining how to get the biggest bang for your energy buck, to systematically eliminating energy waste. All while doing weekend jobs and using simple hand tools. 

Best of all, this energy saving system uses the 80/20 principle.

If you understand your solution, then you can apply 20% effort, yet receive 80% of the benefit. This is known as "Pareto's Principle" and is a mathematical constant.

My son calls them "life hacks."

What it means for you is you get the 80% of the result with only 20% of the effort. You get biggest bang for your buck with the least amount of time, effort and expense.

energy efficiency
Reduce your home energy utility bills by 50% to 90%

That might sound like BS, but it's not. We waste most of the energy in our house. Experts agree that the energy loss in the average house is the same as having a 3 foot round hole in your wall. 

Add to the resale value of your home

Energy efficiency will be more important to home owners as time goes on. Adding energy upgrades now now means you'll be able to command a higher price for your house than your neighbors because you had the foresight to think ahead.

Written in Simple English

This isn't some boring textbook course that drones on endlessly. What you get is short, to the point, no fluff, no BS, actionable steps that that turn your home from an energy nightmare to a energy dream.

Make your home more energy efficient

There is something very satisfying about knowing you aren't wasting energy. The same as it is satisfying knowing you aren't wasting food on your plate at dinner. 

Get the US government and utility companies to pay for your upgrades

Discover the little known ways that the federal, state, local governments, as well as the utilities will help you pay for the cost of your energy upgrades. It is in their best interest as well as yours to upgrade. Get their money before it's gone!

Easy, week-end projects

Something the whole family can enjoy. These upgrades can be simple projects that can bring the whole family together. Using simple hand tools and a Saturday afternoon will see many of these project finished.

Illustrations, Videos, podcasts and .pdf's

Everyone's learning styles are different. That's why I've created this course using videos, graphic illustrations showing you exactly what to do, podcasts you can listen to in your car, or .pdf's you can read at your leisure.

Make your home more comfortable

It's hard not to be happy when you are comfortable. Especially when your comfort is due to your own efforts. Sit back, relax, and enjoy how making your home more energy efficient translates into a warm feeling. 

Here’s what people are saying about the course

larry hayes

Larry D. Hays

Oregon, USA

We can do this...

The greatest aspect of your work is the empowering of the little people. You’re making us aware we have other choices, we will no longer in bondage the big energy companies. You have demonstrated this is not complex.

Eric T. Echuk


I would like to extend my personal "THANKS"...

...to you for making all of this exciting information available for common folks such as myself, your are truly an innovator and a Gentlemen.

Muliady Sutanto


I just finished your course...

and I must say it really really a good course. After spending a year or so to search here and there about energy I've finally found my starting point. Thank you very much for your great course.

Here's How You Are Going To Save 50% To 75% Off Your Utility Bill


Module 1: Introduction
1. Getting started right

The focus of this chapter is knowing what is important and what is not. You'll discover the 10 reasons why doing this now is in your best interest and the inescapable factors of our present situation. Plus you'll get the 2 energy secrets of why you are being lied to.

2. mindset:

Choosing the right thing to do and when to do it, makes all the difference in the world. In order to do that you need to test an idea, then track the results. That is what I'm doing to show you how to do in chapter 2. By the end of this chapter, you'll KNOW what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and how much it will cost.

3. Course Overview
michealporter quote

If you are traveling to any destination, you need a map. This chapter is your map. 

4. the 80/20 Formula

In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country. Pareto observed that 20% of the people owned 80% of the nation's wealth. Sound familiar? The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule. 

What this means to you less work, more savings. You can get 80% of the benefit, using only 20% of the effort. I'm going to show you that 20%.

5. Beating Uncle Sam at his Own Game
chess pieces

Instead of working to pay your taxes, make your taxes work for you! Every state, city, even the utilities themselves have programs designed to save you money. These programs are funded by the federal government and you can take advantage of them if you know how and where to look.

I'm going to show you how to take advantage of them to even get the government to pay the full cost of your energy updates.


Module 2: Take 50% off your utility bill using this one technique
Updating an older home: part 1
air leakage graphic

I'll show you how to through each and every section of your house to get the maximum amount of energy savings. 

Updating an older home:part 2
save money

If you know these tips and techniques your energy usage will drop like a rock. 

Chances are your home was designed in an era when energy was abundant and utilities were cheap. Not so today. The tables have turned. Traditional forms of energy are expensive and the price utilities have soared. It's easier than you think to spend some quality time with your family while updating your house to save big bucks.

the basement
electric meter

We'll start in your basement where the energy loss can be the greatest. A few simple jobs here will lead to big savings later.

the attic
attic energy saving tips

Heat rises and significant heat and cooling loss occurs because of outdated attic ventilation. We're going to stop heat loss in its tracks.

the exterior of your home
save on energy

The exterior of your house should do more than just look good. It should also stop hot or cold air from entering your home to begin with. A pleasant weekend is all that is needed to make sure it happens.  


Module 3: Solar Design and Heating
Passive solar design

Now we're getting to the fun stuff! Who doesn't want free heat in a cold climate? At this point you are already seeing a huge drop in your utility bill. Why not reinvest the money saved to save even more money?

solar heating
Solar Power For Homes

This section is devoted to solar heating. It is more than possible to heat your home with solar energy completely and inexpensively without the use of expensive solar panels. 

Windows and Skylights

By using your existing windows and skylights (Or adding them if necessary) you can light your home in the daytime and heat your home all the time. 

attic insulation

Most people think the only thing you need n the attic is insulation. Insulation is important but it is not the end all, be all. Now that you have air sealed your attic the correct insulation will take you twice as far.


Module 4: Passive Cooling
Passive cooling
home cooling

Thre are many ways to cool your house without energy guzzling A/C. People did it for hundreds of years. In this module you'll learn about 

  • passive and active cooling
  • Landscaping for cooling
  • White roofs
  • Whole house fans

Landscaping (Coming soon)
White Roofs (Coming soon)
Whole House Fans (Coming soon)


Module 5: Hot Water Hacks

Hot water heating accounts for between 11% to 14% of energy usage in a home. Reducing and/or eliminating this usage WILL contribute to significant energy savings. The good news is there are a number of ways of to either lower or even eliminate the cost of hot water.


Module 6: Saving Money on Auto-pilot
auto pilot

Reducing your financial footprint is what this section (and course) is all about. In this section I'll show you how to save money on everyday expenses, like

  • Energy efficient appliances
  • Cooking and solar ovens
  • Laundry and soap making
  • Lighting


Module 7: Valuable Bonuses

The free bonuses included are worth the price of this course alone. 

Did I say bonuses?


Bonus 1
Dept. Of Energy Air Sealing Guide

40 pages: Of In depth and readable. The Dept. of Energy has a reputation for publishing some of the best info available. this guide is no exception.

Bonus 4
Cooling Your Home Naturally

8 Pages: A nice little report by the Energy Clearinghouse on passive cooling. It goes into landscaping  which I will eventually add to the course but you can find here now. Also included is a passive cooling checklist.

Bonus 2
Borrowers Guide To Energy Assistance

48 pages. This is an excellent slide show presentation about financing ANY kind of energy update. Also, it provides the answers to the most common hurdles or objections the lender has, and how to fix them.

Bonus 5
Passive Solar Design

8 pages: A basic primer on passive solar design. Understanding how to heat your home using the sun can save you $1000's of dollars in the long run.

Bonus 3
air sealing checklist
Air sealing Checklist

4 pages covering the basic areas of air sealing and checklists for each. Very handy. 

Bonus 6
Tips on Saving Energy and Money at Home

36 pages: Another Dept. of Energy guide on how to save money on practically everything associated with reducing your energy footprint.

About The Course Teacher, David Sieg

In 1995, while teaching in Southeast Asia, I started dabbling in alternative energy and biofuels by necessity. At the time Vietnam was suffering under crippling oil embargoes and there wasn't enough energy to meet basic needs. 

      I remembered the Allies in WWII used vegetable oil to power diesel engines. This led me to researching various alternatives in biodiesel. My students collected used vegetable oil from restaurants. Soon we were creating enough to power the school's generators. This led eventually to starting a consulting business. 

In 2006 I started a website sharing the knowledge I gained and started writing books on how anyone could produce algae biodiesel.



In 2008, the price of oil skyrocketed and some of my books became best sellers overseas.  Also in 2008, the economy collapsed in Asia and I moved back to the USA. I put the very same principles I applied in Asia here in the US in a suburban house. I was able to bring a $500 a month utility bill down to $75. Doing the same things I teach in this course.  I have since written over 12 nonfiction books on alternative energy and biofuels. 

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nter your text here...

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor

Augustus Ford


I like the straightforwardness of the instructor.

He is honest in his approach and doesn't try to be flashy. I like that. It makes me more receptive.

Nicole Marie Vandeveer

Vancouver, BC


...this guy will save the world one day.

Jackie Davis

Marketing Specialist

I really enjoyed this course...

David explains how to effectively save money but still live a high quality life. Already shared this info with my friend and he is saving money to.

Why Is This Course Is Valuable?

Passive income:

Yeah, you heard me right. Passive income is when you earn money by doing work once and then continue to get paid for it forever. Book authors earn passive income. Musicians earn passive income. They create something once, then continue to get paid for it month after month. Passive income has been the time-honored technique of building wealth for generations. Putting this course into action results in earning you passive income. 

How, you say?

Remember "Money saved is money earned?"

Back to my story: In 2008 when I was up against the wall, I did some quick jobs around my house and the next month saw a $50 decrease in my utility bill. Which prompted me to do more weekend jobs. I took any job I could get during the week, but I kept my weekends free for house and family. 

I lowered my utility from over $500 a month to less than $250 within 3 months. I took the $250+ saved every month and in a few months had enough saved to make a down payment on a new HVAC system. The new HVAC system saved another $150 a month in utilities! I was putting over $400 a month back in my pocket. I didn't stop there. I went through every aspect of my life eliminating the waste. These days I pay the absolute minimum necessary to keep my accounts active.

I wasn't going to sacrifice my own comfort but I was no longer going to give my money away in the way prescribed by society. I added solar panels to my roof and the utilities were now LITERALLY paying ME. (Net metering) I was no longer paying through the nose for utilities, they were paying ME. In addition to the money I was saving from not having to pay utilities, They were now paying me.

And I can show you how.

Passive income.

It's not a lot and I won't be getting rich from it, but I'd be a liar if I said it didn't help. Best of all, it's steady money no matter what the economy is doing. :)

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  • 30 minute private coaching call

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  • 30 minute private coaching call

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

If you're not completely happy with this product you can get a 100% refund.

No ifs, ands, buts, excuses, or wiesel words. Period.

We stand 100% behind EVERYTHING we sell. 

Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course

Ericka Bellamy Joseph


I liked the way the Instructor explained in detail the six ways to reduce energy consumption.

I chose this class because as a Homeowner of an older home, I am always looking for different ways to cut my monthly expenses.  I liked that each point could be broken into small weekend projects. I learned a one person and two person method of checking for air leaks. I liked that the Instructor showed pictures to go along with the “technical” terms he was using. I now will feel more confident when I talk with the Contractor before beginning my upcoming installation project of my attic. I would highly recommend this course.

home hydroponics

Curt Felix

Police Officer

It was absolutely the right decision...

Your Home Energy Made Easy is a terrific document. Congratulations on probably the best collection of information anywhere on the topic.


Terry H. Walker

Financial Advisor

Nice layout, easy to read...

David, just went through your course on Home energy. Nice layout, easy to read with emphasis on building from local materials and good optimism. We may use some of these ideas for our engineering senior design course this year on energy production. Thanks..

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are your courses so expensive?

Except They aren't. Considering what you get they are under priced. I've seen online courses of less quality for $300 to $500. I've seen other courses that were $100 per month. That and the fact that quality material does cost money to produce.

Will you be adding more material as time goes on?

Yes. This course, like all my material, is constantly updated as time allows.

Is the 50% discount really "Limited time?"

Yes, it is. Right now I'm completing the last of it (The Beta stage) and I'll use my customers comments and ideas to make it the best online course possible. After that it DEFINITELY will go up in price.

Am I going to need any expensive tools?

Nope. You will need basic hand tools that you normally find around the house but the jobs aren't anything a basic DIY'er can't do.

Can You Put Example Questions Here? 

Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.

Can You Put Example Questions Here? 

Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.

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  • No Monthly subscription
  • 30 minute private coaching call

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  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

One final note

I work in the energy conservation field. I am frequently asked by people if there is a reference book that is not filled with technical jargon. I have written my instructions in very simple  English so that anybody can do this. 


Most of the techniques which I reveal in this course are easy to put into place in minutes - cost very little, and can give you instant returns. I am  going to give you full step-by-step instructions and very clear diagrams and photos for you  to follow so that you can start saving money in just a few  hours!   


This product is in "Beta" which means it is still being built which is why I'm offering it at half-price, while I get input from users on how to make the course better prior to full launch. 

Which means the price can go up at any time ....  

All the best to you and your family,
