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The Urban Guerilla's Guide to Urban, and Suburban, Off Grid Living

Enroll now to start saving money and create your own freedom

off grid living

Most people who get up and move off the grid fail within the first year. Why? Because they underestimate how tied to the grid they really are. We're all guilty of it. We take electricity, city sewers, and abundant, cheap, food for granted. But when you have to provide those luxuries for yourself, or do without, it's a different story.

Off Grid Living Today...No matter where you live

Freedom Isn't Free.

Freedom Is About Taking Responsibility For Your Life Choices.

This website doesn't assume you're living off grid in some remote location. or that you even want to. It assumes you're living in an urban or suburban setting and interested in discovering off grid living skills right now, Or having a more sustainable lifestyle. A healthier body and attitude. That you want to be more financially secure. Most of all, leave the stress and the rat race behind, no matter where you live.

Why? Because Living Off the Grid Is a Step-by-Step Process...

This website was created with a different goal in mind...Living Off The Grid Now. Having a simpler, more fulfilling life, no matter where you might live, urban, suburban, or rural. If you want to go off the grid, the time to start preparing is now. It is about living as self-sufficient lifestyle as possible in a inter-dependent world.

You can start going off the grid right now, no mater where you live.

The Truth Is There Is No More Privacy. You Have to Hide in Plain Sight

Going off the grid in an urban and/or suburban setting is a lot easier.  Easier than you think. The infrastructure, the tools, everything necessary is already in place. You have to take advantage of what already exists, the systems in place, in a way that benefits YOU the most, and not the corporate world. There are weaknesses in the system you'll learn to exploit to your advantage, not theirs.

But don't get me wrong...there is nothing illegal, unethical, or immoral in anything I'm suggesting. Instead I'll show you how to beat the man at his own game. 

You are more powerful than you think.

Most off grid sites are about what to do once you find that dream piece of property. Which is great...in the future.

What about getting off the grid now? Today? 

Maybe You...
  • Lost your job and was forced to "restructure?"  (Restructure properly now and you won't worry about it ever again)
  • At a dead-end job but can't quit? (You could tell your boss to shove it (Imagine the feeling) when you realize you don't need him anymore.)
  • Owe too much and can't get away from the interest payments? (You're not alone and it's a deliberately set trap to keep  you in bondage forever. Learn how to Break free)
  • You are concerned about the rising cost of utilities and basic necessities to live.
  • You are concerned about global warming and want to do their part to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Did the recession knock you down from middle-class and now you have to build from the ground up? (Then you're lucky because now you can build smarter, stronger, and say good-bye to the storms of a bad economy.)
  • Looking to live a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle? (Get away from store-bought, chemically processed food and feel your health return.)
  • You want to know quickest and easiest methods of saving energy dollars without expensive upgrades.
  • Tired of being a slave to profit-driven corporations squeezing every last dollar out of you? (The system is designed to make you spend as much money as possible on things you don't want or need. Turn the system on its head and make it work for you.)
  • Are Feeling depressed and disconnected from a technological world that seems to be leaving the simple pleasures in life behind?
  • Most of all, are you tired of the stress?

You can break away from the cycle that is forcing you down.

So is it possible to get off the grid, on your own terms in urban, suburban environments where most people live?

In a Word...Yes.

You can lead a $10,000 a month lifestyle on $3,000 per month. Or a $5,000 per month lifestyle on $1,500. Even $500 a month. You are the master of your lifestyle.


By putting into practice many of the skills you'll need if you're serious about getting all the controlling forces out of your life.

You'll need to eliminate debt, grow your own organic food, and reduce your energy consumption. Depending on your situation you also might want to create your own energy and make biofuels,

  • Simple ways to cut your utility bill in half, or even even eliminate it with no loss of comfort that anyone can do.
  • Weekend projects to cut your heating/cooling bills in half.
  • Never buy vegetables or protein again. Or only buy luxury food (Rib-eyes, lobster) because now you can afford it.
  • Get rid of the chemicals, pesticides, and GMO's in your food for good.
  • Take control of your health.
  • Get proactive about your debt/interest and quickly cut your debt in half, then eliminate it.
  • Disappear in plain sight. Isn't the objective to be left alone and live your life the way you want? If you want to become a hermit, no problem. But most people fail "going off the grid." Why? Because they underestimate how much they need they depend on the collective nature of modern life. The dream and the reality are two very different things. 

As Steve Jobs said, "Think different."

We help you shorten the off grid process with tips, tricks, hacks, and techniques that work.

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What You'll Get Inside

Reduce your home energy utility bills by 50% to 90%

That might sound like BS, but it's not. We waste most of the energy in our house. Experts agree that the energy loss in the average house is the same as having a 3 foot round hole in your wall. 

Add to the resale value of your home

Energy efficiency will be more important to home owners as time goes on. Adding energy upgrades now now means you'll be able to command a higher price for your house than your neighbors because you had the foresight to think ahead.

Written in Simple English

This isn't some boring textbook course that drones on endlessly. What you get is short, to the point, no fluff, no BS, actionable steps that that turn your home from an energy nightmare to a energy dream.

Make your home more energy efficient

There is something very satisfying about knowing you aren't wasting energy. The same as it is satisfying knowing you aren't wasting food on your plate at dinner. 

Get the US government and utility companies to pay for your upgrades

Discover the little known ways that the federal, state, local governments, as well as the utilities will help you pay for the cost of your energy upgrades. It is in their best interest as well as yours to upgrade. Get their money before it's gone!

Easy, week-end projects

Something the whole family can enjoy. These upgrades can be simple projects that can bring the whole family together. Using simple hand tools and a Saturday afternoon will see many of these project finished.

Illustrations, Videos, podcasts and .pdf's

Everyone's learning styles are different. That's why I've created this course using videos, graphic illustrations showing you exactly what to do, podcasts you can listen to in your car, or .pdf's you can read at your leisure.

Make your home more comfortable

It's hard not to be happy when you are comfortable. Especially when your comfort is due to your own efforts. Sit back, relax, and enjoy how making your home more energy efficient translates into a warm feeling. 

And That's not all...

Not only will you get a ton of free information on all aspects living off the grid, you'll get much more.

  • A video library  of how to information,
  • Downloadable .pdf's with step-by-step instructions you can use to get started today,
  • An audio library you can download and listen to when you're on the go,
  • Check lists,
  • Tips, techniques, and hacks. 
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What Others Have to Say About Some of the Information On Off Grid Living...


Check out more Testimonials here.

The greatest aspect of your work is the empowering of the little people. You’re making us aware we have other choices, we will no longer in bondage the big energy companies. You have demonstrated this is not complex. We can do this.

Larry D. Hays
Oregon USA

I would like to extend my personal "THANKS" to you for making all of this exciting information available for common folks such as myself, your are truly an innovator and a Gentlemen.

Erik T. Echuk

I have been an avid Mercedes diesel veggie oil guy for years... but never had "enough" information to get started.

Thus, your book has given me the confidence to move forward!!!

S. Podliska
California, USA

I just finished your book, and I must say it really really a good book. After spending a year or so to search here and there about biodiesel I've finally found my starting point. Thank you very much for your great book.

Muliady Sutanto

Your Making Algae Biodiesel at Home is a terrific document. Congratulations on probably the best collection of information anywhere on the topic.

Curt Felix

The revolution needed in your life starts with you. It starts with the choices you make everyday, without realizing it, the way you've been taught, conditioned to think, by the government, by the media, by schools, by the institutions which control your life for their own self-interest.

You don't have to let them. You can start off grid living now.