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How To Get Off The Grid – Your Guide

Written By admin  |  Living off the grid  |  0 Comments

Have you been wondering about living off the Grid? We can show you how to live off the grid. Top 10 ways to get started and then how to really experience off grid living to its fullest.

When someone asks us how to live off the grid we have found that most times they are asking for a step by step guide.

To receive the inside scoop make sure you are subscribed to our special newsletter, and we will send you our 100 page guide to Off The Grid ,it is filled with tips and advice to help you make the move more smoothly.

Only subscribers receive these special reports. We send it directly to subscribers of our newsletter so be sure to type in your correct email address. You are a newsletter subscriber right?

For starters though, here is a step by step guide on how to live off the grid.

Step 1-Ask yourself why?

Not how. Is this a reaction or response to your present lifestyle? Is it not satisfying? Be honest. We ask this because usually a negative (moving away) response to anything is unsuccessful. Off the grid living should be a positive response.

What you need is a positive response to your present discontent- a moving towards response. Are you looking for a debt free lifestyle run on renewable energy?

This is the place to learn all you can about how to live off the grid.

Step 2- Do research.

Living off the Grid magazine is jam packed with information on different Renewable Energy Products and how to information.

All sorts of books on how to live off the grid are available from our library. Start with this, the very best Renewable Energy Guide.

Step 3-Once your research is done, develop an action plan.

In this regard we have written this book as a plan of action. It is only available to newsletter subscribers, that is our free Off Grid Newsletter. Follow this guide and you will be off the grid in as little as two months!

Step 4-Visit someone who is living off the grid.

Talk with them. Ask questions. If you don't know anyone who is off the grid then ask around. For years Jane and I were known as ‘those people who live down that road without hydro’. People talk about Offgridders and that is how you will find them.

Step 5-A family meeting should be held.

This is important. Share all of the information and ideas and dreams you have with your spouse and your children.

Regular weekly meetings will solve any disagreements and there will be some. Remember that ‘ a gentle answer turns away wrath.

Your biggest challenge could very well be convincing a contentious spouse that moving off the grid will be a good thing. Outline the benefits and be realistic about the challenges.

Step 6-Deal with the fear.

As with any lifestyle change a certain amount of fear goes along with it. We remember loading up our van on May 5, 1994 and saying goodbye to our old home. It was hard, but very exciting.

We made it an adventure for the kids and they loved it. Jane had a hard time dealing with the move even though she really wanted to live off the grid.

She clung to the one thing that was familiar from back home – the van. Her and the kids slept in the van when we first moved for over two weeks.

I slept in our tent on the property while we built our first little cabin. Once I bought a small tent trailer and we could use the cabin for cooking, Jane embraced the whole thing. It just took a little time.

She knew that I was serious at that point, and you have to be too. Take those first steps and work hard at it.

We are never so thankful now as when we are sitting in our home that we built ourselves, by our roaring woodstove, looking out at the garden, just like today it wasn't easy but it was definitely worth it.

Step 7- Stop and smell the roses.

That’s why you are doing this isn’t it? For a while weekends may suffice for building your dream. Hammering, digging and cutting will be a welcome change from urban living.

But, hammering, digging and cutting can get tiring too, and soon you have replaced that old grind with a ‘new grind’ if you are not careful.

So take some lawn chair time, BBQ with the kids, relax and sit in the garden, go for a walk around the area.

In a word, take your time and enjoy the process because ‘life is found in the living.’ How to live off the grid is definitely the answer for our family, take the time to see if it is right for yours.

Living off the grid is a big decision for any family, but it is worth it if you tackle the project head on.

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