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Your Guide To Indoor Growing Systems

Written By admin  |  Hydroponics, Urban Farming  |  0 Comments

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“Achieve the greatest volume and highest quality of produce possible, while reducing operating costs, and maximizing your profitability by growing smart.”

Tom Blount

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A Quick Guide To Indoor Growing Kits

Growing indoors can be easier than growing outdoors, but that doesn't mean there aren't challenges you'll need to overcome. You'll need to make sure you have all the equipment you need for your system, and you'll have to make several important decisions. This guide to indoor growing systems will help you get your grow operation off to the best possible start.

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What Do You Need For Your Indoor Grow System?

You'll need to make sure your system includes everything that you need to grow plants. Beyond that, you'll need to invest in equipment that is specifically designed for indoor growing. For example, you'll need a lighting system, a dehumidifier, and fans.

There are many types of equipment that can make an indoor grow room easier to manage. With timers, you'll be able to simulate day and night conditions for your plants without adjusting lights manually. pH meters make it easier for you to monitor the condition of your soil. Basic supplies, like gloves and spray bottles, will allow you to give your plants extra care.

If you're brand new to indoor growing, you may want to consider investing in a grow kit. A kit will provide you with everything you need to get started. From there, you'll be able to purchase additional supplies as needed.


Finding The Right Grow Space

Before you purchase your equipment, you'll want to decide where that equipment will be placed. It's possible that there are space-related limitations you'll be dealing with. You'll also need to look at other factors, like the insulation in the room your equipment is stored in.

The easiest way to ensure you have the appropriate space for your plants to grow is to purchase a grow tent. Many people choose to place grow tents in closets. This will give you a greater level of control over your grow environment, and it will also keep your growing system from taking up too much space in your home.

aeroponic tower design

How To Choose The Right Soil

While it's possible to create an indoor grow system without using soil, a system that uses soil will be easier for novices. When you use the right type of soil, it will be easier for you to keep pH levels stable, and that will lead to better yields for you.

Ideally, you should try to find a soil mix that was specifically designed for indoor cultivation. The best potting soils will be filled with nutrients. Find a soil that will allow you to give your plants the best start in life.


What You Should Know About Hydroponics

If you'd prefer to avoid soil, you'll want to look into hydroponics instead. This is a process that involves growing plants in a nutrient solution rather than soil. The root system of your plants will be exposed if you use this method, which can make it challenging.

If you're willing to learn the basics of hydroponics, however, it has a lot of advantages. The right system will allow plants to grow faster, and your plants will require less water overall. If you do want to try a hydroponic system, there are plenty of resources that will help you get started.

Hydroponic Grow Systems

Providing Your Plants With The Nutrients They Need

We need nutrients in order to thrive, and the same thing is true of plants. Your plants will be able to get many of the nutrients they need from the soil they're growing in. However, it's recommended that you look into additional nutrients as well. If you have a hydroponic system, you'll want to look at solutions like clay pellets, coconut fiber, and basalt rock.

You'll also need to set up the proper feeding system. When you're working with soil, you'll be using a drain to waste system. With a system like this, you'll have a great deal of control over the nutrients your plants receive. Recirculating systems are an option for hydroponic growers, but these systems can be difficult to manage.



Providing Your Plants With The Lighting That They Need

Proper lighting is one of the most essential parts of any indoor grow system. Light is what drives photosynthesis in plants, which is why you'll need a system that replicates sunlight. You'll also need to determine how much light your plants need to receive each day.

Most plants need a minimum of 16 hours of sunlight -- or artificial light -- each day. However, you won't want to keep the lights on all days. Plants also need time in darkness as well. If you're trying to encourage plants to flower, you may want to give the plants more time in darkness.

As mentioned above, you can use a timer system to automate the amount of light that your plants receive. These systems can be adjusted as needed, which means your plants should always receive the appropriate amount of light.

aeroponic towers

Other Tips To Keep In Mind

Many people underestimate how important it is to maintain a clean environment for your plants. Before you start a grow cycle, you'll need to clean your grow room from top to bottom. This is something that will need to be done at the start of every new cycle. If there's bacteria in your grow room, your plants could develop diseases.

It's also important to track your process. If you run into an issue, you'll need to be able to figure out what's causing the problem. You can keep track of what you're doing -- and not doing -- by keeping a grow journal. Log the amount of water your plants are receiving each day, the temperature in your grow room, and feeding amounts.

You should also think carefully about the kind of water you want to use for your grow system. Many people choose to use distilled water, but reverse osmosis water is another option. Reverse osmosis tends to be better at removing contaminants, but it's more common for people to use distilled water in indoor grow operations.

Don't be afraid to adjust your process and make adjustments as needed. Getting started isn't always easy, but once you get the hang of it, it will be easy for you to maintain your indoor growing system.

indoor grow Kit Ideas on Amazon

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MARS HYDRO Grow Tent Kit Complete 4x4ft TSW 2000W Led Grow Light Dimmable Full Spectrum,Indoor Grow Tent Kit


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